
Good stories properly told

Cinema is one of the areas where Tarkemoto successfully expresses its creativity and its long experience of development and production for cultural projects.

With the feature film 522. A Cat, a Chinese and My Father, Tarkemoto debuted in 2019 in the production of fiction feature films with this film starring Natalia de Molina, which had its world premiere at the Malaga Festival and undertook a successful career in internationally renowned festivals such as Warsaw and Sao Paulo, obtaining seven nominations to the Andalusian Film Awards and the award for best editing.

With a constant innovative spirit, Tarkemoto's groundbreaking filmography has placed its bets on dystopian science fiction (Xun, 2021. Carmen Award 2022), electronic music (Break Nation, 2022) and video games (We Don’t Like Captain Blood Sausage!, 2015) in a wide catalog of film productions that increases year after year.

How is a film produced?

Each film project has its own singularities, but esentially they all follow the same stages: DEVELOPMENT, PRE-PRODUCTION, POST-PRODUCTION and DISTRIBUTION.


There are many ways to manage an idea for a project, whether it is a short film, a fiction or documentary feature film or a television series. Sometimes, it is the creators themselves or potential co-producers who come into contact with Tarkemoto to propose projects. On other occasions, it is Tarkemoto's own creative team that generates a project of its own.

This stage usually moves forward by visiting national or international film markets, where you come into contact with creators, potential co-producers and potential sales agents and distributors. In 2019, the Tarkemoto team attended markets such as the MAFIZ in Malaga, the CIFF Market in the Canary Islands, the Marché in Cannes, the Berlinale, the MIA Market in Rome or the American Film Market in the United States.

Once the main elements of a project have been defined, work is done on a final version of the script, conversations are initiated with the main actors, the main team leaders are also chosen and the financial plan is drawn up. The latter is usually focused on five essential: Application for regional, national, European and Ibero-American public subsidies, pre-sales of rights to television networks, private investors, national distribution agreements and international sales.

The secret to the success of a production is to have a solid and well-put together financial plan. Also, depending on the nature of the project, it is advisable to look for co-producing national or international partners to help in this regard and to improve the possibilities of distribution of the project.


Once a production start date is decided, a complex machinery starts off that involves a large number of professionals from different creative and technical fields. Normally, the final script is still being refined, which will undergo several revisions, and it is recommended that it go through some script doctoring process. In that sense, some of Tarkemoto's projects have enjoyed script mentoring sessions sponsored by the European Union’s SOURCES 2 program.


Once filming is completed, the editing stage begins, where the story is truly created and given its final form. There are several processes through which the film will pass before the master copy or first copy is generated. Sound editing and mixing, creation of the soundtrack, color correction and digital effects and creation of title credits.


It is important to emphasize that this stage, although it comes last in the production process of a film project, must begin from the beginning of its development. This will not only facilitate marketing tasks, but will allow the project to receive feedback from potential distributors and sales agents to improve any aspect of the film for distribution.

Usually, before its distribution in theaters and later on, on television networks or online platforms, a film has a first tour in national and international festivals in which its impact on the audience is measured and has the opportunity to receive recognition for its potential artistic values. A film that receives awards at major festivals will be better received by critics and audiences.


Do you have a project in mind?
Good stories properly told

Do you have a project in mind?

We would love to listen to you and be able to help you with your new project. Let's do something amazing together.

El diseño e implantación de esta página web ha sido financiada con una ayuda procedente de la Junta de Andalucía, a través de la Consejería de Cultura y Patrimonio Histórico, Dirección General de Innovación Cultural y Museos y la Unión Europea con cargo al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

Tarkemoto, SL ha recibido una ayuda de la Junta de Andalucía, a través de la Consejería de Cultura y Patrimonio Histórico, Dirección General de Innovación Cultural y Museos, con cargo al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) para la mejora de la comercialización, la promoción y comunicación de sus productos y servicios a través del diseño de identidad corporativa y el diseño de elementos y materiales de comunicación.

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