With his second feature film, Paco R Baños delves once again into the fears of his protagonist, Natalia de Molina, a young woman trapped in the physical and emotional prison of her past. De Molina plays George, a girl who lives with her cat Fernando, locked in a Sevillian apartment. Only in that world, surrounded by her fetish objects (the ping pong paddle, the dartboard, her poster) does she feel safe.
But life hits us when we least expect it, and Fernando's death will push her to break her cell’s door. On her journey to Portugal with the ashes of her dead cat she will be accompanied by a fake Chinese guy who also seeks answers in the past.
522. A Cat, a Chinese Guy and My Father tells an "adventure towards memory, the past and to recover one’s identity". The past casts a shadow and the viewer feels it without fully perceiving it.
Year: 2019
Genre: Drama
Director: Paco R Baños
Lenght: 90 minutos
Language: Spanish, Portugués
Format: Digital 2K
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Tarkemoto, SL ha recibido una ayuda de la Junta de Andalucía, a través de la Consejería de Cultura y Patrimonio Histórico, Dirección General de Innovación Cultural y Museos, con cargo al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) para la mejora de la comercialización, la promoción y comunicación de sus productos y servicios a través del diseño de identidad corporativa y el diseño de elementos y materiales de comunicación.